[A Must See] 10 Tips You Need To Succeed In This Lagos (Number 2 & 8 Is Very Important)

Lagos is arguably the most populous city in Nigeria and the
number keeps growing every day. Lagos has all it takes to be the best
and it offers a lot of opportunities.

There is a popular perception that if you can survive in Lagos, then you can survive anywhere in the world.

Some things are needed in order to be able to survive and raise your
head among the millions of people who dwell in the city. If you live in
Lagos and are planning to move to the city, you need to have these
important things.

Here are 5 important things you need to possess to succeed in Lagos.

1. Money

You need money and a lot of it to survive in Lagos. Even if you are
in the city to make money, you still need to spend money before you can
acquire it.

You need money to be able to open doors that seem firmly locked. If
you don’t have money or you don’t want to spend the little you have,
you’ll be surprised how difficult it will be to progress.

Lagosians are not always forthcoming in helping someone who will likely not show financial gratitude later.

2. Sense

You need a lot of sense to move with the tide in Lagos. You must be
able to think on your feet if you don’t want to ‘count the bridges’.

The real Lagosians can smell a conman from afar and avoid them. If
your sixth sense isn’t active, you might have to learn the hard way.

You must know when to show someone the way and when to simply walk away.

3. Determination

That’s the spirit you need to survive in the turbulent city of Lagos. It’s a city full of ups and downs.

Sometimes, it rains and other times, the sun burns you but if you
cannot brace the weather and face it headlong, you might soon pack your
bag and go back to where you came from.

4. Leg

Leg is an idiom for the right connection. A lot of Lagosians have climbed to the top using their ‘long legs’.

If you don’t know the main man, you should know someone who knows
someone who does. The long chain of connection can help you do things
very quickly.

As the saying goes:

“If you don’t want your friend to be the king, then you can never be the friend of a king!”

5. Skill

That’s right. You need to be able to do something if you want to get a
lot from the goodies that the city offers. Nobody is ready to give you a
job or recommend your name if you cannot do something that is worth
paying for.

If your name becomes synonymous with a particular solution of a
particular problem, you’re already on a roller coaster ride of money.

6. Change

The change being referred is not the adopted slogan of the All
Progressive Congress but small naira notes that can make your daily
commuting easy.

You don’t want to be harassed by the foul-mouthed conductor or paired
with a strange looking fellow because you don’t have change.

This can spoil your mood and delay you.

7. Mouth

Mouth is an idiom for being sharp witted. You don’t want to be taken
for a JJC. You need to be able to impress and show the stuff you’re made

To a certain extent, you should be able to blow your horn and let people know that you know the way the world rolls.

If you give the impression that you don’t have mouth, guys will take you for a ride.

8. Edge

If you think you are the only one who can do a particular thing in Lagos and no one else can, then you need to thing again.

What you need to be given serious consideration however is that distinct difference that you can put into what you can do.

Whether it is smooth packaging or style, you just need to show that you have an edge.

9. Option

Frankly you can’t afford to put all your eggs in a single basket. You
need to always have an alternative or a back-up plan if possible.

Lagos is unpredictable and if you don’t want to get stuck, you should always have a back door.

10. Guardian Spirit

If you believe in a supernatural being, then you need a good one to succeed in Lagos.

If you’re a Muslim, Christian or traditionalist, there is probably a
part of you that believes that God has a say in your endeavour.

To make it in Lagos, you need a good guardian spirit. If you feel you
are your own guardian spirit, then take good care of yourself.

Lagos is great only when you are.

The End!!!

Thanks for checking out 10 Tips You Need To Succeed In This Lagos, I hope this will lead you to your success in Lagos.

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