BUSTED!! Fifth Pastor Spotted Using Woman With Bulgy Arm For Same Miracle (Videos)

The woman with a short and bulgy arm is in the news again
after another pastor said to be the fifth performed the same miracle on

Recalls Anambra-based cleric, Pastor Okafor had healed the woman in
his church and the same woman was seen in another video being healed by a
different pastor.

It appears the woman is being hired by pastors to trick their members into believing they are genuine.

In a new video being circulated online, the same woman’s hand grows
back to its normal length to the amazement of the congregation who begin
to scream joyfully.

According to LIB, the woman has Ehlers–Danlos syndromes (EDS), a
group of genetic connective tissue disorders with symptoms which may
include loose joints, joint pain, stretchy skin, and abnormal scar

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