Please use this page to make movie or series requests, please be detailed enough.
Add the year the movie or series was released, one of the actors or an IMDb or MyDramaList link.
Please note that movies that are still in cinemas cannot be posted until it is released to digitals (OTT platforms).
IMPORTANT: Please use the search box to search before requesting, most of the movies and series requested sometimes had already been posted!
Please upload Series : Jo mai mai (2024)
Some nights i feel like walking 2024
Please upload series: Verdades Secretas (2015-2021)
Gladiator 1
Hidden Face (2011)
The Yin Yang Master
Pls upload jab tak hai jaan ,an Indian movie
Please upload us the series thai
Friendly rivalry kdrama
I am the devil thai
Please drop Love in the Edge of Divorce
Romantic CDrama
Pls upload a new Chinese fantasy drama/series.
Pls upload a new fantasy Chinese drama/series